GGash & CoinsPH Cash-In Procedure at 7/11 Convenience Store

=> Open your GCash app and click 
1. cash-in button
2. choose 7/11,
3. enter the amount you want to cash-in, and
4. click Generate Barcode.
5. Go to the nearest 7/11 convenience store with your Barcode proceed to the counter and present your Barcode and payment. If the cash-in was successful, SMS will be sent to your phone.
NO GCASH ACCOUNT YET? Click this link:

=> Open your CoinsPH app and click
1. cash-in button
2. choose 7/11,
3. enter the amount you want to cash-in, and
4. click Place Order
5. Go to the nearest 7/11 convenience store with your Barcode proceed to the counter and present your Barcode and payment. If the cash-in was successful, SMS will be sent to your phone.

NO COINSPH ACCOUNT YET? Click this link:
